New Jersey, USA.
Mumbai, India.

About us

About Psifos

Psifos Laboratorium is a vertically integrated hybrid think-tank committed to policy-oriented research on democracy, Government , Crisis Management, Perception Management and Narrative Management, through data backed actionable intelligence which is complimented by innovative execution strategy.

We work towards promoting participation of demographics around the world in democratic processes. Our experts and scholars are experienced in developing innovative strategies to engage voters to participate in free and fair elections. We also assist political entities and public officials in communicating their platforms to the general public to ensure that the decision makers can make informed choices.

Our Mission

At Psifos Laboratorium we believe in converting research into actionable intelligence to develop sound policies.

Psifos is dedicated to change the way how, the decision makers, political stakeholders, and observers approach elections. The political strategies that we develop promote democratic participation and help voters make sound choices based on their rights as citizens and all the factors that influence their popular decisions. These strategies cannot be developed through scholarly research or outsourced consultants alone. Instead, a new approach that combines these methods is needed to ensure that consensus around the world remain competitive, just, and democratic. 

Our experts acknowledge that every election, country, and stakeholder is unique. Thus, our research ensures that local factors are accounted for in developing policy. We understand that the electoral and political trends are dynamic. We continue to track these trends and monitor major public developments in every national and provincial referendum around the world for accurate research that policymakers can rely on.


Psifos embodies a two decade-long commitment to advancing use of data and digital democracy .

Our policy-driven research has led us to work alongside global leaders, including presidents, provincial governors and prime ministers, in national electoral campaigns across six countries, engaging over 820 million voters. Psifos Laboratorium represents our dedication to cutting-edge digital monitoring and predictive analysis with artificial intelligence. We specialize in demographic mapping, database creation, the development of impactful digital assets, and assessing the electoral potential of candidates by closely tracking voting patterns. Our philosophy centers on empowering democratic processes through data-driven insights and innovative digital strategies.

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