Delaware, USA.
Mumbai, India.

Our Philosophy

Reshape Behaviour -> Build Consensus -> Drive Results

Psifos is a data-centric and process-driven organization dedicated to navigating and implementing strategic actions that lead to comprehensive and equitable outcomes

About Us

We find a way for your idea to be everywhere:

Our team is widely acknowledged as one of the best in the field of scientific data driven campaigns to capture and retain Mindshare. We have worked on micro campaigns at ground level to high level campaigns, targeting 900 million people.

1 %
Worldwide Satisfied
100 %
Success of
1 +
Expert team

Our expertise guarantees widespread dissemination of your ideas.

Psifos is working on the world’s largest digital initiative in the
sphere of public space with constant success. Our multi-lingual team has first-hand experience in working on national electoral campaigns in six countries, and has reached out to over 820 million voters.


We offer plethora of services to progress!

Our expertise guarantees the achievement of your desired outcome.

Online, Offline Big Data handling

Data Analytics

Randomizing samples for businesses

Utilizing persuasion analytics for Governance


Influencer analytics / Influencer optimization

Sentiment Analysis & Management

Understanding of cybersecurity principles

Proficiency in GIS technology

Audience Profiling

Narrative - Seize, Shape, Command

Constituency Management

Deep demographic mapping

Electoral Management

Get in touch

Contact us for Assistance and Information

We’re eager to address your organization’s needs. Reach out to us-

Our office:

Delaware, USA.
Mumbai, India.

Mail us for information

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